1. Know the Stats
1 in 8 women in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
85% of breast cancer diagnoses occur in women with no prior family history.
12.8% of women will be diagnosed during lifetime
>331,000 new cases anticipated per year.
Breast cancer makes up 30% of all new cancer cases among women
41,760 women are expected to die from breast cancer this year 3,477,866 women are living with breast cancer in the United States. 93% of women with early breast cancer diagnosis survive beyond 5 years.
2. Know Your Breast Cancer Risk Factors:
The number 1 risk factor is being a woman!
Never having biological children or having a first child after age 35
Not breastfeeding
Breast tissue that is high density
Alcohol use
Ashkenazi Jewish heritage
Being overweight (or weight gain after menopause)
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Current or recent use of birth control pills
Current or recent use of menopausal hormones
Family history of breast, ovarian, or prostate cancer
Getting older
Lack of exercise
3. Know that Disparities Exist
For African American women, the age and severity of breast cancer at the time of diagnosis and risk of dying are significantly higher than among white women in the United States. For example, African American women are over 40% more likely to die of breast cancer than white women. Here are a few other key disparities:
4. Know How to Eat
Foods to incorporate:
Leafy green vegetables
Citrus fruits
Fermented foods
Allium vegetables (ex. garlic, onions, and leeks)
Cruciferous vegetables
Herbs and spices (ex. parsley, rosemary, oregano, thyme, turmeric, curry, and ginger)
Foods to avoid:
Sugary beverages
Processed meats
Fast food
Fried foods
Refined carbohydrates
5. Know How to Take Care of Your Body
Maintain a healthy weight
Exercise regularly
Limit alcohol intake
Limit menopausal hormone use
Breastfeed when possible
6. Know Your Normal
7. Know When to Get Your Screening